Friday, 27 March 2020

Warrior Turret Milan ATGM

The last couple of days has seen me working on the milan and mount for the turret. After looking at what few pictures I had and applying a bit of thought to how it may have been mounted I've come up with a feasible solution. Because I have no clear pictures or info on the mounting this is my best guess. I did try a couple of ideas but this one seemed the best so I went with it. 

Brass tubing was used to make the mount which is adjustable so I can tweak the height of the milan later on. I used an accurate armour milan which needed a lot of work to get it up to scratch. I also had to make up a round because the resin ones where molded very badly with a big casting flaw at the rear of each tube. Aluminum tubing and plastic card soon sorted out a better one. Likewise the rails on the launcher body where unusable so plastic rod was used to make a new one.  

So that's now the main construction complete, next I'll work on stowage adding what I can now before primer & paint.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pete, it is a very good idea to make changes to enhance it. very good work
