Saturday, 15 February 2025

Tamiya JSU-152 Paint & Figures

Some paint on the model today starting with a base coat of XF 58 olive green then lighter layers adding XF 4 yellow green to the model before finishing with a drop or two of XF 21 sky. I may add a little bit more in the way of highlights but will see what I think tomorrow.  

I've also sorted out a couple of very nice Alpine figures to go with the model. both are really well sculpted and cast. the tank crew figure did have a hornet head added as I prefer this to the supplied Alpine head.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Tamiya JSU-152 Primer

The model has now had a good coat of Mr surfacer black primer and the tracks a coat of brown. I've also been sorting out some bits for the model with some stowage and personal effects to add. I will be adding some tarps but will make these up with putty. Most of the bits I've found need stripping of previous paint as well.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Tamiya JSU-152 Construction Complete!

A bit of a speed build this kit has turned out to be but very enjoyable nonetheless. With the final parts added and some tool brackets made up from spare etch frets and the addition of the kit supplied air intake screens that wraps up the construction of the model. I've got some nice figures coming from alpine miniatures to go with the model once it's on a base so all I need to sort before painting is some stowage on the rear deck.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Tamiya JSU-152 Hull Details

Some texturing with mr surfacer and plenty of stippling to the hull sides and gun mantlet to impart some nice rough texture to the model followed by some tamiya two part epoxy putty for weld beads. Having most of the fenders removed makes for  more interesting battle weary model  and gives me an opportunity to try new methods as well.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Tamiya JSU-152

Now on the bench is the rather nice tamiya JSU-152 with the addition of a metal barrel. A nice cheap ebay purchase this with a plan to depict a vehicle in Berlin in 1945. So far the running gear and tracks have been sorted and a start is being made on the upper hull. This one will have almost all of the fenders removed with possibly just some twisted and dented bits left.

Very evident in pictures taken at the time as well as quite a lot of looted gear on the back decks. So plenty to keep the interest going. Also I'll improve the texture of the model and weld beads for a rougher Soviet look. The figures supplied will be fine with just the addition of some hornet heads to ring the changes.  

Friday, 31 January 2025

Belgian Leopard 1A5 BE Model Finished

Well the model is now all finished after adding the side skirts and then some light dust effects and a tiny bit of spatter. Antennas from carbon rod and the Belgian flag made with tamiya masking tape then painted by hand. I'm really pleased with how the model came out especially as it's not an easy conversion to done.

For now the model can go into the display cabinet as I still have to find a figure or two and sort out a base for it. All that will come later as there is no rush regarding model shows we are due to attend for some time. One good thing as well is that I have my specific Belgian build sorted well in advance for this years Plastic & Steel show! 

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Leopard 1A5 BE Weathering & Tracks On

Start of the weathering on the lower hull with various earth and dust tones followed by the installation of the wheels, sprockets & tracks. I'll add a bit more next with some spatters before adding the side skirts and finishing off the lower hull. Only a very small amount of dust effects will be going on the turret.  

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Leopard 1A5 BE Coming Together

After leaving the model almost a week after the matt coat I've started sorting out the glazing in the form of periscopes and optics as well as the front & rear lights. Also the wind sensor, commanders extended periscope and the armoured doors on the gunner's sight have all been added to the turret.  

Now I'll start to add some dust effects and build up a reasonably light amount of final weathering on the model as I don't want to swamp it with too much muck and dirt.  

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Leopard 1A5 BE Weathering Begins

Today's progress now with some light chipping added and bolt heads picked out in lighter shades of the base colours. Also a little bit of stowage added to the turret basket followed by the call sign on some plastic card and then fitted to the searchlight box. I've also started weathering with two dark pin washes so far.

Over the satin varnish this has picked out all the detail quite well so far. Next will be a matt varnish before some filters and oil dot fading and the start of some dust effects.