Monday, 16 January 2017

Takom AMX 13/90 Camo On!

Finally got my arse in gear and sprayed the camo for the AMX today. I used tamiya XF-74 for the green and then a mix of tamiya buff, white & gunze light grey for the sand. Painting was a long process due to all the sticky out bits & I managed to break one of the external sights and loose two of the chains on the smoke dischargers. Bloody annoying as the chains were a right pain to get right.

I think I can scratch a replacement sight and I do still have some fine chain so nothing too disastrous I suppose. The model will be left for a few days so the paint cures fully before making any repairs and detail painting. 


  1. Dear Sir:
    The work of model building is brilliant, excellent, but the TAKOM AMX-13/C90 is not the version inservice in the Venezuelan Army, this model could be done Tunisian, for example.

  2. Thanks for that, Takom obviously got it wrong then.
