Saturday, 21 December 2024

CVR(W) Fox Decals and Figure Painting

Things are progressing very nicely with the decals added to the model and the figures painting up very well. 

Friday, 20 December 2024

CVR(W) Fox Stowage & Figures

The final bits of detail painting have been completed on the model as well as stowage for the turret basket. Also the figures are getting some attention. I'll now give the model a gloss or satin coat before adding decals. 

Monday, 16 December 2024

CVR(W) Fox More Detail Painting & Chips!

A little bit more detail painting on the Fox now with a slightly lighter colour green added to the camo netting followed by some brown sections. Also some light chipping of the green and black on the model, nothing too drastic but just enough to add a few interesting highlights showing wear. I'm just waiting the arrival of a deep green paint for the extinguishers and hatch pads before I crack on with a gloss coat and decals.  

Sunday, 15 December 2024

CVR(W) Fox Crew Figures

Whilst detail painting I've also been sorting out the figures. Using the Red Zebra NBC crew with Hornet heads I've added chin straps to the heads and cleaned up the arm joins. On the commander figure I also sculpted some more below the waist on as he was a bit short in the turret. This ensures he actually looks like he's in the hatch instead of floating above the opening.  

Saturday, 14 December 2024

CVR (W) Fox Camo & Detail Painting

Here is the Fox now with it's disruptive black camo brush painted on for a hard edged look. I used Vallejo black & dark rubber to get a slightly faded black colour. The slave cable was painted using flat black and the camo netting has had its first coat of a dark green colour for some contrast. A bit more detail painting to go before a gloss coat and I'm waiting on a specific colour to arrive so I can do the extinguishers and hatch interior pads. 

Thursday, 12 December 2024

CVR(W) Fox Colour On

After giving the model a good coat of Mr surfacer black primer I've started my usual method for modern British armour by spraying first a coat of Tamiya Xf 65 field grey then adding drops of XF 15 flat flesh to lighten the tone and add highlights to the model. I think I'll give it one more pass with a slightly lighter tone before I move onto the black. 

Monday, 9 December 2024

CVR(W) Fox Camo Netting & Stowage Part 2

I've now got the netting sorted with some spare leaf scatter and tea leaves to give a bunched up looking set of camo nets on the front hull and around the turret. Hopefully it will look just as good as the one I made on the S tank. 

A bit of magic sculpt was also used to add the covers to the Rarden gun barrel then the spare putty made a couple of tarps for the rear turret bin. Finished off with a crumpled cardboard box, which will become a ration box. A Rarden ammo can and two S10 respirator bags. Now for a very careful wash before primer.

Sunday, 8 December 2024

CVR(W) Fox Camo Netting & Stowage

Time for some fun with the addition of the camo netting and stowage. First though I quickly knocked up a slave cable from lead wire and plastic ends. This cable was typically seen on Foxes whilst in the field and it makes a nice feature on the model too. 

The camo netting has been started on the hull front with the first stage of gauze bandage being soaked in diluted PVA glue then arranged on the model. Later I will add some tea leaves and scatter which will add the scrim to the netting. The turret will also get a good dose of netting which will change the look of the model significantly. 

I also have some bits for the rear turret bin and also need to add the canvas covers to the gun barrel, again much in evidence in pictures of Fox on exercise.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

CVR(W) Fox Turret & Playing With Figures

The turret has gone together much quicker than I expected. Mostly I think due to my increased mojo. Anyway the turret did need a fair bit of cleaning up with some dodgy casting marks and a massive hole to fill at the rear. Once these issues were sorted it was just a matter of testing fit and lots of sanding to get things fitting correctly. 

The hatches needed a lot of filling and sanding to get a half decent end result, even now they are not the best. I had to make up new hatch bump stop supports as the kit etch was way off. Likewise don't bother with the former for the cable drum support it's too small. I just made up the reel using the etch ends and resin middle then formed the bracket over this. 

Finally I've been looking at crew options and as ever pickings are very slim, however I did have some excellent Red Zebra British crew figures in NBC suits so decided to see how they worked out. The figures come with heads wearing berets and headsets but I changed these for some Hornet heads wearing the "Dan Dare" helmets. Obviously this is just a test fit but I think they will work out very well indeed. 

The next stage will be final details and camo netting as well as sorting stowage for the turret bin.

Friday, 6 December 2024

CVR(W) Fox Hull Finishing Off

I've now pretty much finished the Fox hull with a few areas having a bit of work and scratching some details. The hollowed out stowage in the rear wheel wells look particularly good I think. The final bits were some spare etch wing nuts around the side doors plus a couple of padlocks to finish them off. 

Later I will add a slave cable and probably some camo netting to the front of the hull once I get the turret sorted which will be the next stage.