Friday, 31 January 2025

Belgian Leopard 1A5 BE Model Finished

Well the model is now all finished after adding the side skirts and then some light dust effects and a tiny bit of spatter. Antennas from carbon rod and the Belgian flag made with tamiya masking tape then painted by hand. I'm really pleased with how the model came out especially as it's not an easy conversion to done.

For now the model can go into the display cabinet as I still have to find a figure or two and sort out a base for it. All that will come later as there is no rush regarding model shows we are due to attend for some time. One good thing as well is that I have my specific Belgian build sorted well in advance for this years Plastic & Steel show! 


  1. Just catching up on your blog and seen this one done. Beautiful job Pete. It was great to catch up with you and Brian today at the TM, and set the world to rights (sort of!). Cheers.

  2. Cheers Terry, still need to sort a base and figure for this but will get it done before the Belgian show in October hopefully! Likewise it was great to see you as well. Look forward to seeing you again soon.
