Saturday, 20 January 2018

More Figure Work

I've finally got back to the bench after a rotten week suffering from that horrible cold/flu bug that's been sweeping the country at the moment. I felt rough as a badgers arse this week and spent two days in bed, it was that bad. I still don't feel 100% but can now face doing some work at the bench.

So I've been working away at the Isandlwana foot soldier and have finished off the webbing and helmet. I used various vallejo colours applied in a glaze to get the effect of dirty webbing & a stained helmet. I can now concentrate on the flesh and the piping on the uniform. I think it's looking pretty good and conveys a worn on campaign look that I was after.

I've also been able to get the M10 figures painted and should be able to finish them fairly quickly.

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