Here is the model all finished after adding a bit more dust effects on the road wheels and weathering the tracks. I've also added the stowage and finished off the exhaust outlets with plenty of soot pigments. I'm really pleased with how this has come out, I think its weathered just right. So next I'll be painting the figures and working out a base idea.
Friday, 28 February 2025
Thursday, 27 February 2025
Tamiya JSU-152 Tarps, Dust & Rubble
A couple of small tarps/blankets have been made up from magic sculpt and also a bit of rubble and bricks added to the rear fender. Once all painted up I then have added heavily thinned tamiya buff to the hull to start adding some dusty effects. Note also the model has not yet had a matt varnish coat, it still has the last coat of satin I gave it after the white stripe was added.
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
JSU-152 Progress & A Trip Out
I've been concentrating on the accessories i want to add to the model including some stowage over the last few days. Firstly I made up a suitcase from some foam board and plastic card, suitably battered and painted it looks just the job. The rest of the gear comes from the spares box, some even from old builds. I do need to get some more clear bottles as well and make up some tarps for the back deck.
Also today, in some torrential rain I might add, myself and Brian went down to the Tank Museum in Bovington for a trip out. Almost straight away we bumped into our good mate Terry who volunteers at the museum. After a quick catch up we proceeded to have a good look around to see what was new.
We worked out it must be at least 5 years since our last joint visit. We did like the way the museum flows now and particularly liked the displays around the modelling area and the small display of Action Man and Dinky Toy stuff. Very nice to see them encouraging modelling to youngsters. A nice PLA Type 59 caught my eye as well and a cracking Ferret which had seen most of its service in Northern Ireland.
So a quick cup of coffee and another nice chat with Terry before a whistle stop tour of the museum shop, and it was off to the Anvil pub at Pimperne for a nice lunch over a pint talking yet more modelling bollocks! Yet another great day out I'm sure you will agree.
This is about the size of kit Brian now needs after breaking his optivisor!
Sunday, 23 February 2025
Tamiya JSU-152 Weathering Begins
I've now started adding worn effects and some filters and pin washes to the model. First up a bit of chipping using a light green applied with a sponge and fine brush followed by a dark rust colour. The white stripes had some paint runs added and then a very light white filter to add some highlights to the faded white.
Next a neutral filter followed by two pin washes using a black brown oil mixture. So far so good, more needs to be added including some dust effects but first I will add the stowage and then some debris such as broken bricks and rubble. By adding the stowage next I can then ensure it all blends together during the final weathering stages.
Friday, 21 February 2025
Tamiya JSU-152 Markings
Today I put some decals on the model using the kit supplied ones but changed to a different number. The white stripe, seen on vehicles involed in the battle for Berlin was sprayed on over a layer of chipping fluid. Once the white had dried it was moistened and a stiff brush was used to add some wear. finally another satin coat went on to protect the decals and stripes.
I also added a bare metal finish to all the road wheel and return roller contact surfaces with an AK marker pen. Bloody brilliant what would have been a tricky and time consuming job too just a few minutes!
Thursday, 20 February 2025
Tamiya JSU-152 Further Fading
Not much to report other than I've added another lighter tone to the model for a bit more contrast. It's quite vivid at the moment but will tone down well during weathering. The figures have also been primed and here I am awaiting the arrival of a book about Soviet WW2 uniforms which will be a great help.
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
Man Cave Improvements
Some long overdue improvements to the man cave today in the form of two new display cabinets. I've been promising myself new cabinets since the cave renovation back in 2019. But like most things I put the purchase off due to other expenses cropping up during the following years.
Two more will be purchased probably next month to finish off the display wall and give me a bit more space for finished builds.The new cabinets match the rest of my cave furniture and the mirror backs look damn good too!
Saturday, 15 February 2025
Tamiya JSU-152 Paint & Figures
Some paint on the model today starting with a base coat of XF 58 olive green then lighter layers adding XF 4 yellow green to the model before finishing with a drop or two of XF 21 sky. I may add a little bit more in the way of highlights but will see what I think tomorrow.
I've also sorted out a couple of very nice Alpine figures to go with the model. both are really well sculpted and cast. the tank crew figure did have a hornet head added as I prefer this to the supplied Alpine head.
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
Tamiya JSU-152 Primer
The model has now had a good coat of Mr surfacer black primer and the tracks a coat of brown. I've also been sorting out some bits for the model with some stowage and personal effects to add. I will be adding some tarps but will make these up with putty. Most of the bits I've found need stripping of previous paint as well.
Monday, 10 February 2025
Tamiya JSU-152 Construction Complete!
A bit of a speed build this kit has turned out to be but very enjoyable nonetheless. With the final parts added and some tool brackets made up from spare etch frets and the addition of the kit supplied air intake screens that wraps up the construction of the model. I've got some nice figures coming from alpine miniatures to go with the model once it's on a base so all I need to sort before painting is some stowage on the rear deck.