Monday 29 July 2024

Lack Of Bench Time

Checking the blog today I was shocked to see my last post with on the 30th of June. It's now the 29th of July and it's been a whole month without any bench time. Real life has seriously curtailed modelling activities at the moment with many other projects and family commitments and a much needed holiday getting in the way. 

Also with only our second show of the year looming large on the horizon, (that being the excellent IPMS Avon show by the way). It's brought home to me how little I've built again this year with only four finished projects so far. This means I will have to dig deep into the smudge reserve collection for some finished models that have not seen the light of day for some time!

Who said as you get older you have more spare time? I'd like to meet said person and give him a swift kick in the soft bits! The opposite seems to be the case for me lately. Anyway here's hoping normal service will resume after the Avon show.