Friday, 17 January 2025

Leopard 1A5 BE Detail Painting Part 2 & Decals

The model has had the detail painting finished up with the mantlet cover sorted out amongst other areas and a unit emblem painted on the front of the hull. This depicts the regiment Gidsen who where deployed in Kosovo. The final stage yesterday was a good coat of satin varnish. Decals went on today and I'm glad I went for the KFOR markings as otherwise it would have only been a case of adding two registration numbers. 

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Leopard 1A5 BE Detail Painting

After a bit more fading for the brown & black I've moved onto some detail painting. Not much really to pick out on this one but enough to add a bit of contrast anyway. A little bit of chipping has also been started as you can see on the turret loaders and commanders MG rings. 

I have pretty much decided to depict a vehicle deployed in Kosovo mostly for the extra KFOR markings and the chance to show it in a conflict zone.  

As seen in Kosovo.

Monday, 13 January 2025

Leopard 1A5 BE Paint On

I've now got the paint on the model using as usual tamiya's NATO colours. The green has so far been faded with the black and brown still to do. Very pleased with the result so far and with a bit more fading should look just right later on. Still debating if I should add the extra stowage boxes and finish it as a Kosovo vehicle or not.     

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Leopard 1A5 BE Tow Cables

My tow cables arrived today, so a five minute job to fit them in the unusual way that the Belgians ended up stowing them on the tanks. I used the Eureka XXL set for the leopard 1/2 for this. Hassle free and with nice soft copper cables. 

Another useful item arrived as well, a 3D printed turret holder. Perfect for construction and most importantly for painting. It's adjustable to fit any turret and is very stable. 

Monday, 6 January 2025

Leopard 1A5 BE Wheel Work

I decided to get some colour on the wheels and lower hull as I needed to at least fit the idlers now and then add the outer front mudguard parts so I could get them sanded flush and blended in before the main colours went on. 

XF 67 NATO green with some lighter tones added using XF 15 flat flesh went on nicely. this was followed by a further test f the AK markers using the rubber black on the wheels. This performed brilliantly and again was such a time saver. I'm very impressed with this wheel set which I can see being my default solution to wheel rubber painting. 

I then fitted the idlers then the side portions of the mud guards, then blended in the seams with a bit of filler and sanded flush. I am waiting on tow ropes arriving so will probably not continue with the painting until they arrive.  

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Leopard In Primer & AK Markers Test

This morning I gave the model and parts a good coat of primer which has gone down very well. This will now cure for a few days before I start the main painting. 

Whilst I had the airbrush out I sprayed the tracks with my custom track colour followed by a misting of vallejo 865 oily steel. Having recently purchased some of the new AK real colors maker pens I was keen to try them out. These are acrylic in formula so I was interested to see how they worked. I bought the road wheels set which has flat black, rubber black and dark aluminium in the set. 

Starting on the inner track pads I used the flat black marker and found that the paint went on well and with the very tip of the pen a good result can be achieved. On the outer pads the pen worked really well and I found a couple of passes with the pen letting each application dry gave a good solid coat. The paint dries very fast as well. Finishing off with the dark aluminium on any bolts this gave a very nice contrast to the basic track colour.

So initial impressions are very good, the paint goes on very well and the tip of each brush is reasonably fine although I would like to see a finer tip perhaps for more finer areas and chipping etc. I will be testing the rubber black on the wheels next to see how that performs. The pens are definitely a time saver as I finished the tracks in half the time it would normally take brush painting each pad. 

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Leopard 1A5 BE Main Construction Done

Well that's the main construction all done on the model. The final bits done to the turret, hull side bins and tow rope holders fitted as well as the tow point pins and chains. All I need to add are tow ropes which are onroute and some stowage for the basket and rear rack. 

I'll probably add stowage after primer just in case there are any more areas on the turret that need a bit of filler. The whole lot has also had a very very careful wash to remove dust and oils. So once dry I can get a nice coat of primer on all the parts.