Monday 10 February 2020

Adding The Rubbish

Today I've been having fun with the base adding some paper first using cigarette paper soaked in white glue then painting the bits up to look like bags and general paper debris. This was followed by pigments over the whole base using the colour I used on the truck. This helps tie in all the elements of the base and give it a uniform look. 

Next all the bottles, cans and other rubbish were fixed in place and lightly dusted with pigments. I have even added a few surprises as well, sort of like easter eggs but more noxious. I wonder if you, dear viewers can spot the dog turds! With the truck in place I've been working out the best spot for the figure and have gone for him standing at the rear of the truck. This seems to balance out the scene well I think.

I've a few more things to add to the base and the truck bed before I fix the truck and figure in place and call this one done but I'm happy with the look so far.


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