Friday 30 August 2019

Belgian Leo Turret Details

Today has been full on working on the turret especially the turret basket. This needs an awful lot of clean up and the bars are very thick. I could have made a new one from plastic rod but life's far too short for that! 
I did add and improve the details though replacing the plastic storage tubes with ones from aluminium tubing, plastic card and spare etch from the stash. Likewise better latches were made up using spare etch parts. Just a little bit of putty and clean up is needed on the basket join surfaces once cured.

The wind and pressure sensors have also been fitted to the front of the turret, these are not called out in the instructions but are present on sprue "I" in the kit. A cover will be made up for the round wind sensor as in real life this is an open cage like feature not a solid lump as depicted in the kit part. 
I've also knocked up better turret grab handles using plastic rod, they are loose at the moment and I still need to make up the stiffening brackets for these. 

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