Kit Reviews

Sunday 10 March 2019

WRC Corolla Body Shell Issues

Remember the Corolla I've been building? Well having finished the interior I moved onto the body shell to prepare it for decals. However the paintwork wasn't very good, (gloss work is not my thing), so I decided to use some micro mesh to smooth out the rough finish. Disaster ensued as I cut through the paint to the bare plastic! 

After some swearing and head scratching I decided that the only way to save it was to strip the paint off and start again. But what to use? Various methods were investigated but in the end I went for dettol, the plain old disinfectant stuff. So into a sealed container the body went to soak for 24 hours. I didn't have much hope of this working so was delighted to find that it had actually worked last night!

Considering that I used a lacquer based main colour and gloss coat I was amazed at how easily the dettol stripped the paint off the parts. It even took the primer off and left no damage to them! The only downside was the house smelt like a bloody hospital last night but that's a small price to pay for a save on this build. I'm now going to spray the body with a rattle can this time around & use a different gloss coat and hopefully not fuck it up!   

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