Kit Reviews

Friday 8 March 2019

Marksman Painting & Model T Figures

After an overnight cure I've tested the paint and found it's quite delicate and will rub off easily. However I've gone ahead and sprayed the dark green and am very impressed with the finish. It's gone on smooth as mustard and looks great. I'll now let this cure for a couple of days, test the durability again and if it rubs off I'll just use some gloss varnish to seal it before masking and spraying on the lighter green.

On to the model T now and whilst that's drying after a wash to remove dust I've built up a couple of the ICM ambulance figures for the vehicle. I'm just using the medic and casualty here. They are nicely cast and assemble with no issues, they just need a bit of filler on the rear of the tunics. 

There won't be much done at the bench this weekend as I have some decorating to do & the rugby's on as well so with any luck I'll have the painting done before the games so I can relax with a couple of beers! 

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