Kit Reviews

Monday 11 March 2019

Model T In Primer & A Guest Appearance

With a small window of opportunity last night I sprayed the ambulance in primer and also actually checked I have some of the main colour to hand! Lucky I have a nice new pot of intermediate blue in the paint stash.  

Also keeping to the WW1 theme my mate Soapy has sent me some pictures of a Tommy's War RNAS petty officer he has just finished. I thought I'd post it up as it looks so bloody brilliant! Painted in vallejo acrylics I think he's done a stunning job and the base really sets the figure off beautifully.


  1. Thanks for the star on the Walk of Fame, Pete!

  2. Thank you very much indeed for the kind comment. Only the figure was painted by me, the base was purchased completed on eBay from a very talented artist in Greece but I think it suits the figure admirably. Thanks again!
