Kit Reviews

Thursday 7 March 2019

Marksman Paint Testing

Tonight I decided to experiment with the Akan paint and find the best thinner for spraying. I started with Mr color levelling thinner which turned the paint to the consistency of clotted cream. Next I tried AK thinner which separated the paint and produced a grainy texture. Both definitely not suitable for spraying! Having used up all options I had available I found that plain old tap water thinned the paint perfectly. 

I used a 50/50 mix for this test and it went through the airbrush with no problem. With three to four passes I achieved a nice solid colour too. I've started with the dark green colour so will leave the parts I've sprayed until tomorrow and then test for durability. I also think I'll use slightly less water which will stop any pooling during the painting. The dark green also looks very close to the real colour too.

The takom camo guide is incorrect in places, for example it calls for the wheels and lower hull to be painted in the lighter green shade which is wrong. Careful study of pictures shows that they should be painted in the dark green. Also some of the demarcation lines for the camo pattern are missing so again careful study of references will help you achieve a more accurate camo pattern.


  1. Colours look nice Pete - is the slightly satin finish like Gunze paints, to aid decal & wash application?

  2. Hi Chris, I think so mate, although I always add a gloss anyway just to seal and protect the paint before weathering.
