Kit Reviews

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Modelling 0 Exciting New Kits 3

Still not much done at the bench lately, it's just far to warm. Only very small sessions have been attempted on the Leopard and even then I've been struggling. Never mind I'm sure it will soon get back to normal with wind, rain and a big drop in temperatures!

However all is not lost with the very welcome announcements by Meng and Hobbyboss which will please all fans of modern British armour. First up is Meng who have got a rather smashing Husky coming out. It's only CAD images for now but if the kit looks this good in plastic we are in for a treat.

Hobbyboss have gone one better and are releasing a Jackal and Coyote! I'm absolutely delighted as I've wanted to build these in 1/35th for ages but lacked the disposable cash to buy the excellent but expensive accurate armour kits. Lots of scope with these as well as they are currently deployed to Estonia I think. 

It's never been a better time for those of us who love British kit and these releases will I'm sure fly off the shelves when available here in the UK.

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