Kit Reviews

Friday 13 July 2018

Meng Leopard 2A4 Progress

With the temperature finally dropping to more comfortable levels in the cave I've made a bit more progress on the model. Nothing of note here apart from the rear deck tools which annoyingly have the tool clap handles moulded as solid parts when they should be hollow. As they are so small it's impossible to hollow them out. 

My solution was to have a rummage in the spares box which furnished me with some etched replacements. Likewise the rear convoy light is missing the guard, again the spares box came to the rescue. Both I think should have been addressed by Meng. 

The turret took some careful test fitting and sanding to get a good fit as there was a slight warp in the lower section. The mantlet cover is soft plastic and this works very well. I replaced the kit barrel with a perfect scale modellbau resin one which I've had for ages. It was actually intended for the hobby boss 2A4 but that was disposed of when this kit came out. The kit barrel is perfectly acceptable however.


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