Kit Reviews

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Life Changing News

As many of you may be aware I've had my fair share of medical issues since 2013 having suffered not one but two heart attacks, been diagnosed with sleep apnoea and have suffered a severe back injury whilst on duty. To say the last few years have been challenging is an understatement, I've had to adapt and change many things and have tried to get back to full duties and fitness ever since.

However my back injury was the final straw and something I've not got over or really recovered from. So in January I was advised to apply for ill health retirement and have just been notified that this has been granted. I'm so happy about the result and now for the first time in ages am optimistic about the future. I've been living in limbo for so long it's refreshing not to have the worry of losing my job looming over me all the time.

I've worked for the crown for 28 years so what I'm going to do next is something I have to think about carefully. But for once I can do something I want to do instead of need to do. I'm open to job offers and if anyone wants to employ me as a full time modeller I'm up for that!😁 So I'll be saying goodbye to being a policeman in October and looking forward to a different and hopefully fulfilling future in civi street.


  1. A new life begins for you my friend. I wish you all the best and of course a best health without any heavy problems.

  2. While I’m sorry you were injured in the first place, it does seem as if you’ve had something of a result with the pension claim (I have some professional experience here). I’ll look forward to seeing what you turn your hand to next. And if I could afford to retain you as a professional modeller......

  3. Good luck Pete - enjoy your 'retirement'. Lots of lovely benchtime (when this heat ends).
