Kit Reviews

Thursday 14 December 2017

Compressor, M10 & Something Different

Well my new regulator & pressure gauge arrived yesterday so now the compressor is running as sweet as a nut. The new part is all metal, much better than the plastic original so it should last forever. I've also got more done on the M10 & have started adding some missing details and stowage. 

You get a small sprue of stowage included in the kit which is nice and I've also used some spares from my Humber armoured car build last year. I've got a fair bit more stowage to add & will be using some putty to sculpt some more tarps and packs.

I've also embarked on another project for a workmate. This is totally different for me as it's been a very long time since I painted anything like this. I'm doing a scene from the Zulu wars & the battle of Isandlwana. My mate has been there and even provided me with a piece of rock from the area. Perfect for the small dio I'll build.

The figures are 75mm from Beneito miniatures and are white metal. they took some careful cleaning up before assembly and a first test spraying of primer to check for any flaws. As you can see the soldier needed a bit more attention to one of the arm joints. I'll be painting these mostly with oils so there will be quite a bit of drying time to factor in between colours and blending etc. Looking forwards to this as it's quite a challenge for me.

And this is a rough idea of the scene I will make.

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