Kit Reviews

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Compressor Kaput & Another Project

Recently whilst using my compressor I've noticed that it just didn't seem to be delivering the air pressure I wanted for spraying. So after a bit of investigation I discovered that the pressure gauge was not working due to the housing basically falling off it & the pressure regulator/water trap had cracks in the plastic. I've got a revell omega compressor by the way. 

This gave me a good opportunity to change the oil and give the unit a good clean. I've had this compressor for years and the only thing I've had to replace up to now was a tiny rubber washer on the tank drain plug. I did also find a lot of gunk and a disintegrated foam filter in the compressor air filter. Once all back together minus the regulator it's a lot quieter than before, possibly due to the blocked filter. A new regulator/water trap assembly is on the way. So not the end of the world but a delay in my schedule nonetheless.

I've also had another package from VMS, I'm seriously impressed with their stuff and even with postage to the UK the prices are very reasonable. This time I've got some texture sets for anti slip, acrylic pigment binders & acrylic sand and gravel freeze. 
This is all part of my on going plan to do away with almost all enamel or solvent based products on my bench. As a bonus they also emailed me a voucher for a further 10% off my next order, smashing chaps that they are!

And finally another model has made it's way onto the bench, it's tamiya's 1/48th M10 which is typical tamiya quality and builds up very fast! I'm going to finish this as a British version as well.


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