Kit Reviews

Friday 15 December 2017

Ho No! It's Christmas Again!

Well another year has flown by and it's the festive period again. Not my favourite time of year as you know but as is tradition it's time to review the year. 2017 has again been a busy one for me not least with the amount of hospital appointments I've had to attend. I'm still at work although on reduced hours due to my ongoing back problems but I don't think I'll be there this time next year, (with any bloody luck!). I've also had another medical issue this year too. Sometimes I ask myself when will it ever end?

The step kids have flown the nest as well this year and it's great to see them getting on with life and flourishing. It's also very nice to have the house to ourselves, cue reduced utility & food bills! Fangus our cat likes the peace and quiet too and has stepped in as a surrogate needy feline who rules the roost.

On the blog and modelling front it's been an absolutely brilliant year. The blog has really gone well as you will have noticed by the amount of posts I've made. With 11 builds completed so far this year I've had plenty to share and have enjoyed it immensely. Stonehenge modellers has also had a great year with the highlight as ever the IPMS Belgium show we attend in October. I'm looking forward to next year as it's their 50th anniversary so the show should be a blinder.    

Next year as ever we kick off our show session with the On Track show at Folkestone in February so I'll have plenty of new builds for the tables. I've also got some interesting builds lined up for the blog next year too. With the focus for a change on modern British armour & I will be continuing to do the odd review of anything that really impresses me. 

So happy Christmas to you all and thanks for following the blog, oh and here's some festive cheer for you in the form of the lovely Dita!

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