Kit Reviews

Thursday 24 December 2015

Eggtastic! BF-109 Xmas Madness!

Well it's Christmas eve and I've dispatched all my Xmas duties around the house and cleaned the man cave up a bit. Whilst sorting through the stash I discovered a couple of egg planes which Tiger models included in their kits this year.

So for a bit of fun at the end of the year I went ahead and had a go at the BF-109. It's all push fit and aimed at kids but what the hell! The construction took all of 10 minutes & actually it's pretty good. I've not cleaned up any of the parts yet or used glue so can do that next. Talk about fun I'm actually chuckling to myself whilst building the kit, I must be losing it! 

Monday 21 December 2015

YW-750 Track Work

I have finally got back to the YW-750 and the tracks finishing them off last night whilst watching "Ice cold in Alex", one of my favourite war films by the way. Anyway I replaced the very tough wire supplied by spade ace for 28 gauge beading wire which has a thinner diameter and is far easier to work with.

The links needed virtually no clean up at all and everything fitted as it should. the completed tracks look excellent on the model and for me at least are easier to work with than plastic tracks.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Shite! It's Christmas!

Yes Christmas is yet again upon us and as usual I'm feeling less than festive, bah humbug! However my lack of Christmas spirit doesn't mean I can't wish you all a happy one and thank you all for checking in and reading my ramblings again this year. The blog has gone really well in 2015 with the post count rocketing and an average of four to five thousand page views per month. so I must be doing something right!

With eleven finished projects as well this year I feel rather chuffed with myself. Each one was great fun and I learnt plenty along the way trying new methods and materials. On a personal note I've never felt better after my unfortunate episode in January AND I've managed to squeeze in three holidays plus a upcoming trip to the states again in January.

I've also had two articles published in Tamiya model magazine which I hope people enjoyed and found them interesting and informative. Hopefully a few more will be published next year which is all good for the modelling fund! So have a great Christmas and a happy new year and I'll leave you with a picture or two of Dita as a festive treat!

Meng Bradley Complete

The Bradley is now all finished after sorting out a small base for it and the figure. I used some slightly longer static grass this time which worked well and gave the base a more wild look to the grass. This was painted in various earth, sand and brown tones then dry brushed with lighter colours to give it a dried out summer look. So here's the model depicting a vehilce based at Fort Hood Texas.

So this brings my build total to eleven builds this year (I've still got a secret project to show you but can't until it's published) I've not built that many for a long time so I'm pretty pleased with my output. I just hope I can sustain it next year!  

Sunday 13 December 2015

Bradley Figure & Basework

I've finished off the figure to go with the bradley today and made a start on the base. The figure was certainly a tester painting the digital camo pattern, something I've never attempted. I'm pleased with the way it turned out although it's not 100% correct however it's good enough for me! 

The base is now all ready for groundwork after adding some edging and a foam board insert. It's not a massive base but is just about the smallest size I could get away with. Display cabinet space is at a bit of a premium at the moment. I really need to invest in another next year. 

With any luck I'll get this project finished by Friday, however with the festive session upon us that may slip slightly! 

Metal For The YW-750

The spade ace replacement tracks arrived yesterday and very nice they are too. As you can see they are meant for the PLA type 63/ YW-531 but as the ambulance is just a variation of the basic vehicle they will fit perfectly. Much happier now I have these so I'd better crack on with em!

Sunday 6 December 2015

Bradley Figure Painting

I've now started on the Alpine figure to go with the Bradley. Using various vallejo colours I've made a start on painting the US current digital camo scheme uniform. Not an easy thing to paint I can tell you! After a couple of attempts i managed to get the colours and shape of the camo looking reasonable on the helmet.

Thursday 3 December 2015

YW-750 Further Work & Stash Additions!

Just a small update today on the model, I've now started to add the hull fittings. Nothing too taxing here and the etched screens have a very nice weave to them. I'm still undecided as to how the model is going to look, beat up to hell or just in need of some TLC. 
Also as I have the breaking strain of a soggy snickers bar and the kit tracks have been a pain in the arse a set of spade ace white metal jobbys have been ordered. Not 100% essential unless like me you really hate kit link & length tracks! 

Talking about breaking strains I've also increased the stash somewhat thanks to Airfix's black Friday sale. I ask you who can resist when it's free postage on orders of £30 and over?(which is what this little lot cost me) So say hello stash to most of their op Herrick British army vehicles & a couple of wingy things.

The Afghanistan stuff should work very well on a diorama and being 1/48th I can pack a fair bit into a small space. I've long admired examples seen at shows so now i can start planning on some interesting scenes. ( oh and getting some etch & aftermarket wheels & stowage!) Flipping heck where will it end?

Sunday 29 November 2015

Bronco YW-750 Armoured Ambulance

here's today's progress and I must say so far I'm impressed with the kit. The plastic is nice to work with and the main hull parts fitted together very well. Sure there are a few really silly little small parts but not as many as in some of broncos other kits. 

The wheels have been attacked with a motor tool for a nice worn look to the rubber and a start has been made on the tracks. Bronco supply right and left side tracks which means you have the correct bolt details facing the outside of each run. Every link needs cutting from the sprue and cleaning up too. The tracks actually click together however the join is not that solid and they have a tendency to come apart.

Spade ace do make a white metal replacement set which I may get depending how I get on with this run. I don't really want to paint the model with the tracks in situ as that means I'll have to leave the track skirts off. Anyway not bad progress for a lazy Sunday with the wind & rain howling outside!

Next On The Bench

As the Bradley draws to a close the next victim has been selected from the ever increasing stash. I've chosen Bronco's YW-750 armoured ambulance in Iraqi service which works well for me seeing as we have a gulf war group build in progress at the moment over on the modelworxs forum. 

I've had this kit for ages so it will be nice to finally do something with it! The kit looks to be pretty straight forward so as it's grim outside today I'll make a start. Better than getting cold and wet I think. 

Saturday 28 November 2015

Meng Bradley Pigments & Final Assembly

Here's the Bradley all done after a session with pigments. i used a selection of wilder pigments all applied dry, I mostly concentrated on the lower hull areas and flat surfaces of the model. Too much would have hidden all the previous weathering and staining. It's come out pretty well and I really like all the various bits sticking out of it. The extra armour also makes it look very purposeful.

So just the figure to paint and a base to sort out next.