Kit Reviews

Saturday 28 November 2015

Meng Bradley Pigments & Final Assembly

Here's the Bradley all done after a session with pigments. i used a selection of wilder pigments all applied dry, I mostly concentrated on the lower hull areas and flat surfaces of the model. Too much would have hidden all the previous weathering and staining. It's come out pretty well and I really like all the various bits sticking out of it. The extra armour also makes it look very purposeful.

So just the figure to paint and a base to sort out next.


  1. An incredible model Pete ! I like it.

  2. Many thanks Alain glad you like it my friend.

  3. I still think it is a horrible piece of machinery but you've done a good job of it :-) !


  4. thanks Magnus, beauty as they say is in the eye of the beholder!

  5. Wow! What an amazing build! Awe inspiring.
    A very good rendition of the Bradley.
    Good job! Your paint work is just awesome.

  6. many thanks Richard glad you like it.
