Kit Reviews

Sunday 13 December 2015

Bradley Figure & Basework

I've finished off the figure to go with the bradley today and made a start on the base. The figure was certainly a tester painting the digital camo pattern, something I've never attempted. I'm pleased with the way it turned out although it's not 100% correct however it's good enough for me! 

The base is now all ready for groundwork after adding some edging and a foam board insert. It's not a massive base but is just about the smallest size I could get away with. Display cabinet space is at a bit of a premium at the moment. I really need to invest in another next year. 

With any luck I'll get this project finished by Friday, however with the festive session upon us that may slip slightly! 


  1. how come you didnt use a decal for that camo like u did with the japanese crew about a year ago?

  2. Thanks guys, Igor I didn't use decals as I wanted to see if I could actually paint this type of camo.
