Kit Reviews

Saturday 19 December 2015

Shite! It's Christmas!

Yes Christmas is yet again upon us and as usual I'm feeling less than festive, bah humbug! However my lack of Christmas spirit doesn't mean I can't wish you all a happy one and thank you all for checking in and reading my ramblings again this year. The blog has gone really well in 2015 with the post count rocketing and an average of four to five thousand page views per month. so I must be doing something right!

With eleven finished projects as well this year I feel rather chuffed with myself. Each one was great fun and I learnt plenty along the way trying new methods and materials. On a personal note I've never felt better after my unfortunate episode in January AND I've managed to squeeze in three holidays plus a upcoming trip to the states again in January.

I've also had two articles published in Tamiya model magazine which I hope people enjoyed and found them interesting and informative. Hopefully a few more will be published next year which is all good for the modelling fund! So have a great Christmas and a happy new year and I'll leave you with a picture or two of Dita as a festive treat!


  1. Merry Christmas mate always look forward to your dita pics ..have a great time
    Keep up the blog work I love it

  2. Cheers Terry a happy Christmas to you too.
