Kit Reviews

Friday 30 January 2015

Achzarit Part 2

I've been working away at the model over the last few days on and off as a bit of light relief following the Landy build. It's been very enjoyable building this and I've now almost finished the build phase. Just some small bits to add and the tow cables. I've added canvas covers to the smoke dischargers and then added cables using lead wire. The headlights also received some plumbing.

The tracks have been test fitted and as I suspected are very tight but as I've left the front idlers loose I can adjust them to add a bit more sag to the tracks. The tracks themselves are very nice indeed, the best I've seen with good details and they actually glue together with no problems.

Lastly the gimpys have had their mounts cut and a small pin inserted so that I can position them later to suit the crew figures. The only addition was a small fore sight to the two guns and drilling out the barrels. The guns look very nice and should paint up well. The mesh sides have also been made up but left off to aid painting later.



  1. Nice job Pete ! It will become an impressive model.

  2. Thanks Alain it's quite impressive sat on the bench now. I'm looking forwards to getting some paint on!
