Kit Reviews

Sunday 1 February 2015

Landy 1 Tonne Part 3 & Achzarit Tow Ropes

More on the 1 tonne now and I've finally sorted out the doors, windscreen & tarp so that they all fit together nicely. I've now started adding all the small details and have had to alter the rear light placement. On the kit they are molded vertically but should be positioned horizontally. So out came the chisel and replacement bases were added in the correct positions. As I'm going to replace all the lights with clear coloured lenses it's not a huge problem. 

The front wheels have had the etched step rings added which were a total pain to fit taking a good hour and some choice language during the process! I now have to do battle with the tools mounted on the front which will all probably be replaced with suitable spares and sort out the steering column. It's now getting close to the finish line but I still have to work out a painting and assembly sequence before I reach for the primer.


The Achzarit however continues to be a joy to work on and I've sorted out the tow ropes and fitted them. A bit of plastic rod drilled out then some nice pliable brass wire and they look the biz! Next up for the model is a bit of stowage for the rear ramp then she can go to the paint shop for some primer sometime this week.

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