Kit Reviews

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Landy 1 Tonne Part 2

Progress has been slow on this as I've been working mostly on the fit of the doors and windscreen in relation to the canvas tilt. The doors have been made up after carefully lining up the parts, clamping then running thin CA along the outer seams. This has resulted in a nice solid bond which was then sanded back using my trusty tamiya diamond file. The canvas fits quite well although there is a slight twist in it which is more noticeable on the drivers side. 
I think a touch of hot water and a bit of flexing should sort that out.

The fuel tank, front grill & fuel can holder have also been worked on. The front grill needed a shim of plastic on the bottom of the radiator opening & the fuel tank needed a new support frame made up from plastic as the etch part was far to big. The fuel can holder may or may not be fitted as many of these did not have one fitted. Lastly the rear heating vent head was made up from plastic card.


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