Kit Reviews

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Space Marines!

In an effort to kick start the mojo I've been dabbling in the very different genre of warhammer figures. A small starter set was purchased with three figures included as well as a small selection of paints and off I went. There's not much in the way of assembly to worry about but there is lots of interesting painting to do. 

So far I'm enjoying the experience, it's just so different to my normal fare and I'm having fun trying different methods and processes. I'll probably paint each figure in a different scheme just for a bit of fun as well. Here's the work so far.



  1. Wow, great work so far!

    How did you do the blue? It has a very realistic texture look (as one might expect of an armor modeler!)

  2. Glad you like it, I just painted two thin coats with a brush then went over with lighter tones and a fine sponge before adding some fine scratches and chipping. This was followed by a couple of glazes and some dark washes.
