Kit Reviews

Monday 30 August 2021

Modelling Mojo

Well as the title of the post tells you I've seriously lost the will to model at the moment. Even with going to the Avon show I still just have no inclination to pick up a scalpel or paintbrush at the moment. Possibly some other pressing issues have contributed to this sad state of affairs but I also think I'm suffering from a touch of modelling burn out. Over the last couple of years I've pumped out a fair few builds & now I'm struggling to even finish one easy kit.

So for the immediate future there will be very little posted on the blog until the mojo returns.


  1. I was amazed at the pace you were going and enjoyed every one of your builds. I get that modelling mojo too; so, I think it’s normal to have pauses. One reason I liked your blog is that I could always get new ideas or subjects. I don’t like searching sites for models and you and I seem to have similar tastes. You build a couple of models I built and I followed up on some you built first. Sometimes I think modelling mojo comes from temporarily running out of interesting subjects to build. I’d look through my stash and didn’t see anything I wanted to build and then I’d see a model on your blog that piqued my interest. A few examples, the Takom forklift, the CSM Lanchester, the Gecko British ATMP. You’ll get the itch again soon enough; enjoy the break.

  2. Many thanks Edward I'm glad that the blog & my builds have inspired you. So perhaps the same will happen for me at some point.

  3. I have enjoyed following your builds over the last few years. Enjoy the break. I last the "mojo" about a year and half ago and unfortunately, it has not returned. Too much going on with work and life in general I guess. I look forward to your next build!

  4. Cheers Shawn, you won't have to wait long for the next project although it's something totally different!
