Kit Reviews

Thursday 4 March 2021

Gecko Models ATMP Ready For Paint

That's the construction done with some tricky bits to deal with during the final stages. For such a tiny model it's really packed with some nice detail and looks really nice. So on to some issues and the first is during the construction of the wheels in stages 9 & 10. Gecko have added a correction sheet in the box but this is also wrong in a couple of areas. When building wheels "A" don't add the hubs, parts DA3. These wheels are meant for the rear so don't have hubs in real life. The hubs, part DA3 should go on wheels "B" & "C".  I also found that adding parts DK15 & DK16 direct to the hull makes it much easier to get a good fit and you can just push fit the wheels in place which makes painting easier later on.   

Wheels "A" have a really small contact point on the hull so I found drilling this out and the wheel axles then adding some rod made for a much better fit and again these can be removed easier for painting. The seat harness was very tricky to add needing at least three parts of hands at times. I couldn't see any other way of doing it but If I built this kit again I'd replace the etch with tamiya tape and just use the etch buckles etc.

Finally I made up the rear load and pallet and they look rather nice. Still not sure I'll use them though. So with the build done it's off for a wash before some etch primer goes on. A light dusting of the primer will sort out all the brass nicely and ensure the paint won't lift off later.



  1. "When building wheels "A" don't add the hubs, parts DA3." Do you mean parts DA9? Because you have to have DA3 to make the wheel. The hub looks to be part DA9, not DA3 in the final photo (and my correction sheet as well).
