Kit Reviews

Sunday 14 February 2021

Comet Paint On

Over the last few days I've painted the model using a mix of tamiya colours to replicate the elusive SCC 15 colour that the vehicle would have been painted in. I used a mix of tamiya colours for this. The ratio and colours were 5 parts XF81, 1 part XF58 & 1 part XF71. With this initial mix thinned it was sprayed on and left to dry. The pictures below have had no colour correction at all. I was very happy with the shade which is a more green olive drab. SCC 15 was the British alternative to US olive drab and was used extensively on British equipment.

I then added some highlights and found XF15 flat flesh worked perfectly for this. I kept it subtle here as I didn't want to wash out the colour too much. Some detail painting was then done before a gloss coat. I'll finish off the detail painting next before adding decals.


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