Kit Reviews

Wednesday 10 February 2021

A Few Bits Done

Never one to sit on my hands I've done a little more work on both models just because I was bored! First I blackened the tracks for the Comet using VMS track blackening solution. This stuff works a treat and has left the tracks looking great and ready for final weathering later. I did have to paint every track pin though as these are resin so a metallic grey colour was mixed up and all the pins carefully painted. 

With that done I decided to do some work on the type 16 and started by painting the side indicators and reflectors using tamiya clear orange giving each one a couple of coats. The .50 cal was then assembled and the gunners sight fitted along with the turret periscopes. All simple to do with the bare minimum of handling the model to protect the matt coat. 

I then made up a gunnery range flag using some plastic rod and tamiya tape. This was painted tamiya park green and the wooden pole painted using vallejo Iraqi sand & new wood. Some antennas went on next before a quick test fit of the figures to see how it all looked. Very pleased indeed with the turret which after all is the main focus of the model. 

So with my itch to get on satisfied I will now leave well alone for a couple of days before the final stages. 

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