Kit Reviews

Thursday 26 March 2020

Warrior Turret

A busy day working on the turret yesterday saw it almost finished by the evening. Most of the work went into the smoke dischargers which where tricky to assemble and very delicate too. A bit of extra detail also went on the inside of the hatches and here I added a seal around each hatch using thin stretched sprue. 
The sights and their armoured houseings went on next followed by the RB models Rarden barrel and mount. I'm now going to attempt to make a mounting for the milan on the commanders size so that should be interesting!


  1. Some serious work you're putting into this, Pete. As far as available Warrior kits go, the Academy version is the only one available in styrene & as you're pointing out it has a lot of faults which can be rectified, but there are occasional areas of excellent detail in it - for instance those neat casting numbers on the commander's hatch cover.

  2. Cheers Chris I agree the kit is excellent with just a few areas that need a bit of work. But nothing that some plastic card can't sort out.
