Kit Reviews

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Warrior Hull & Turret Work

The hull is now all finished apart from adding some stowage which will go on once the turret is complete. Turret work started straight away and once the two halves where glued and any joints sanded I added the turret basket. On the kit it actually sits too high as the top of the basket should be level with the turret roof. There's no easy way to correct this, dropping the basket only fowls the hull periscopes and other parts and reducing the height of the basket makes it look too narrow and out of scale. 

I mocked this up using paper templates before committing to any drastic surgery just to be sure. So the basket went on as is, not a big problem as a bit of stowage will help to disguise this later on. One area I really did want to improve where the turret sights. The kit ones are just solid blocks, Not very good at all especially if you want the armoured covers open so a bit of scratch building was called for.

Using the kit sight as a guilde plastic card was used to make them up. I also used the armoured covers to help get the correct fit. Some punched out plastic also added the sight lenses. Later on I'll add some glazing from clear plastic sheet after of course painting up the sights and adding some reflective coatings to the lenses.      

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