Kit Reviews

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Puma, Elefant & Model T Updates

The puma is now all ready for primer. The front light guards where an absolute mare to build up consisting of three PE parts with no bend guides for the top parts. Lots of swearing was the order of the day but I wrestled the buggers into shape in the end. VMS flexy 5K CA XT thin glue really helped here. A spot of lead wire cabling, some stretched sprue wires for the smoke dischargers and a bit of scratch work using spare brass for the clamps on the commanders station finished off the build phase. 

The Ditiji's commander figure is excellent and I really like the relaxed pose. I tried the figure intended for the rear hatch and although he's very good too the fact there was a massive void behind him showing the empty interior meant he went back in the box. However I'll eventually use the figure for the Italeri Lince I have in the stash. 

The elefant is now back in primer, still can't find a paint scheme I like so may just wing it!

And finally the base for the ambulance has now been varnished after leaving the oils to cure for over a week. the groundwork should be going on soon and I'm thinking of a muddy/dusty track with some discarded crates & fuel cans in the background.

So a busy time at the bench & I'm loving it! 

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