Kit Reviews

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Model T Groundwork & Elefant Paintwork

Today I've been working on the groundwork for the ambulance and again have utilised VMS smart mud. It's very easy to use and gives a perfect rendition of churned up mud, perfect for a WW1 setting. I could leave it as is but will paint it later to tie the base and vehicle together. 

The small bank at the rear has been populated with some fuel cans, a spare crate & a broken coffee stirrer. Further work will be done in this area with some general rubbish and possibly old bandages etc.

The elefant has also received its coat of Dunkelgelb & here I've decided to do a single colour vehicle for a change. I think it's possible that some of these may have been in one colour late in the war and a few were fighting around Berlin at the end so I'm going to use a bit of artistic license here.

I'll be adding some modulation soon to add different tones of the base colour for some visual interest.

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