Kit Reviews

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Tamiya Corolla Further Work & Real Colors Test

I've now done almost all of the interior painting and decaling and also just finished spraying the glazing. Looks pretty good even with the decal seat belts I think. Now I just need to steel myself and get the bodywork gloss coated ready for a rather large amount of decals!

On the Churchill front I've attempted to lighten the mix with flat flesh in my usual way to add highlights to the model but this has not worked as I expected. Starting off by adding only a small amount of flesh it mixed well but once sprayed was actually darker than the original coat. It also really changed the colour which suprised me.

After a bit of head scratching I tried white but the same thing happened. I was thinking of using sand or buff but I think this would not lighten the colour. I have no idea why it won't lighten as both gunze & tamiya are compatible with the AK paints. Perhaps the S.C.C 15 is a more complex colour mix than I thought. So decision made, I'll just add highlights etc during weathering with oils if I can. 

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