Kit Reviews

Monday 14 January 2019

Real Colors S.C.C 15 Olive Drab Test & Humvee Matt Coat

Today I have been testing the real colours paint on the Churchill after giving it a blast of grey primer. The first thing I noticed was that the real colors paint smells a lot stronger than my usual tamiya and gunze paints. Also the thinner has a very strong whiff so the two combined have a very strong odour. The paint thinned down very well with the real colors thinner but you will find that any paint left over from mixing on your stirrer etc will not come of with water.

It has no effect on the paint. However the thinner cleans it off no problem. Onto spraying now and I found it went through the airbrush beautifully. I thinned it down to a milky like consistency, the same as I do for tamiya & gunze. It went down very well indeed drying almost straight away to a lovely matt finish. The colour also built up very quickly to a nice intensity. 

The specific colour of S.C.C 15 olive drab was used by the British during the latter part of WW2 and has been subject to many discussions and paint mixes over the years on the web. As ever colour is a knotty subject especially as we all perceive colour differently, however this gives you an excellent starting point. As a side note Mike Starmer did work with real color on this and other British specific paints in the range.

 I'm not an expert but to me it looks very good indeed. The pictures show it straight out the bottle without any of my usual fading added. I will however add some fading later using tamiya flat flesh so the experimentation continues! So what do I think about this paint? Well I'm very impressed, it performs as well as my usual brands and looks really good. The only negative is the smell but a mask will help eliminate this anyway. I'll definitely look at getting some of the other colours in the range to add to my paint armoury.  

Onto the humvee now and after some dark pin washes & a further filter I've sprayed the matt on using VMS matt varnish. it looks a lot more subtle now, perhaps too much so but I can remedy this with pigments and good old tamiya buff next! 


  1. Great look for these 2 models. I really like the "misty" camo of the the Humvee. Looking forward for next stages. Happy modeling my friend.

  2. Hi Pete I would like to ask if you can explain how you make your pictures and what kind of material you are using. I find your pictures so nice and I really appreciate your if you can guide me. Thanks in advance my friend.

  3. Hi Alain, thanks very much for your comments, both of them. In regards to my pictures perhaps it is best if you email me. That way I can explain properly with pictures to help you out. My email is
