Kit Reviews

Saturday 16 September 2017

Pondering Paint

Whilst attempting to finish off the M47 yesterday I again discovered that I was out of tamiya buff & flat earth, my essential weathering colours and the two I use the most, bugger! So to fill the void I conducted an inventory of my supply of paints. Lurking at the back of the draws were a few large bottles of tamiya paint, remember those? I've had them forever but the paint is still good inside even after all these years. It got me thinking how much I dislike the new tiny bottles that tamiya now produce and how quickly I get through them. 

I'm sure someone sneaks into the cave at night and drinks them or perhaps they just evaporate away? It seems that every time I want a certain paint I'm out, piss poor planning I hear you say and you are probably right. Maybe I should buy it by the gallon or at least start buying larger quantities of my go to colours.But I probably won't as I'll forget or something else will grab my attention. So more paint on order which means the M47 should be finished by the end of next week. In the meantime I'm perusing the stash looking for my next victim! 

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