Kit Reviews

Friday 15 September 2017

Figurine Repair

Here's a figurine that I am repairing for my mother in law who smashed it whilst swatting a fly! It's one of her favourites so the wife bought it home to see if I could salvage it. I had a few smashed pieces and lots of bits missing but thought I'd give it a go. So after gluing what pieces I could in place out came the magic sculpt and I made up rough shapes to replace the missing areas. once cured I sanded them to shape. There were hairline fractures on all the legs as well which had to be dealt with. 

That was actually the easy part although I'm no sculptor, matching the paint was very difficult but in the end, I went for a base coat with acrylics and finished off with oils. It's not 100% but close enough to satisfy her I think! Just a light satin varnish to restore the finish of the piece should finish it off nicely.


  1. Good job - I remember years ago having to resculpt a missing hand for the in laws japanese figure - funny we modellers are good for one thing at least!

  2. Thanks guys, yes Simon I do seem to get all these sort of things to fix!
