Kit Reviews

Saturday 9 April 2016

Trumpeter AS 90 More Progress

Both hulls are now on their wheels & tracks after a good session at the bench. I did find that the wheel halves were a very tight fit so I used the tip of my scalpel to scrape the lip of the locating socket on part A2. This sorted out the problem and the two halves popped together nicely.
I also left off part A8, the rear idler arm until I was ready to test fit the tracks. This enabled me to get a tight track run by adjusting the position of the arm then gluing them once in the correct position. 

I'm also using the kit tracks as they are more than adequate and actually look correct and are easy to use. Lots more to do but first I'll start adding missing weld beads to the rear hull roof and around the stowage bins.


  1. All my pieces have now arrived so I will be starting tomorrow. I take it the drilled holes are for the etched brass?

  2. Matt, I guess you mean all the holes on the front of the hulls? they are for kit parts as there is no etched included in the kit.

  3. I bought the brass seperately so I will need to read up the instructions well in advance!
