Kit Reviews

Monday 11 April 2016

AS 90 Rear Ends

I've now started adding parts and details to the hull starting at the rear. The missing weld beads were added using plastic strip then textured with a pyrogravure. Putty such as milliput would work just as well too. Actually most of the welds won't be seen with the turret in place so they can be missed out. The welds on the hull sides however really do need to be added as they are very visible on the real thing.

I found the number plate, part C63 fitted as per the instructions would foul the rear door so by using the turret base as a guide I fitted the plates slightly higher up. The lower plate lights were also shortened. Not perfect but close enough. A couple of spare extinguishers, tow shackles and accurate armour padlocks were also added. So that's the rear done, I'll be working my way forwards for now on!

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