Kit Reviews

Tuesday 26 April 2016

AS-90 Main Gun

A lot of time has been spent working on the main gun assembly over the last few days. Fit and detail here is not particularly good so time spent here will really enhance the look of the finished model. One point to note is that there is an error in stage 17 of the instructions. When building up the main gun receiver assembly you need to reverse the part numbers for the correct orientation as listed here,

D9 should be position D3
D3 should be position D9
D4 should be position D8 
D8 should be position D4 

Once built up there are a few gaps that need filling and sanding here. The fit of the main gun assembly into part D5 is vague to say the least so some time spent getting everything to fit squarely is required so that it all lines up correctly. I added some thin plastic card as well here to fill gaps between the gun and D5. Missing bolts and replacements for poor cast ones on D5 were added too.

If you are using an RB metal replacement barrel then you will find that the gun assembly is too loose to support the barrel in any elevated position. My solution is to add some bracing on the inside of the turret so some friction between parts D11, D12 and the main gun drum is created. This works pretty well and supports the weight of the barrel. Also it's worth checking the alignment of the barrel once the resin gater has been fitted to ensure it's straight.


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