Kit Reviews

Tuesday 26 April 2016

AS-90 Front Turret Work

Very much in the zone at the moment with this so here's another post for today. Lots of work improving and scratching new parts has been done. The smoke dischargers really need a wedge of plastic added to the rear so that the correct angle can be achieved. Part D19/20 had a new plastic card face added and the correct shape guard made up from brass wire. The mounting in the kit is pants so a new one was knocked up.

I've left off the pick axe heads and left the ammo box racks empty because you rarely see the pick axes fitted and I've yet to see ammo boxes actually fitted in the front racks. The slave cable wrapped around the smoke discharger was made up from plastic stock and lead wire, I'm very pleased with how it came out. Finally some thin tape and bolts were added along the lower hull replacing the poor kit molding.

Not much more to add to this turret so I'm hoping to get it finished by the end of next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice job Pete, I like all your nice details added.
