Kit Reviews

Sunday 26 July 2015

Tamiya Somua Complete

The Somua is now all finished finally, it's taken a while but we got there in the end. I finished off the weathering with some heavily thinned tamiya buff built up on the lower areas of the model and then added a small amount of pigments here and there. The base had a good amount of pigment dry brushed on then wiped off with a cloth and finally a wipe over with a damp finger to remove the excess from the tops of the cobbles.

Finally the figure was squeezed into place and the model fixed to the base. Rather pleased with the final result which I think with the simple base really shows off the model.


  1. Well done job my friend ! Great looking Somua S35

  2. Thanks Alain, I'm pleased with it and it's nice to finally add one to my collection.
