Kit Reviews

Monday 27 July 2015

Belgian Bulldog Crew

I've now turned my attention to the crew figures for the bulldog and after a rummage in the spares box I came up with a couple of very old verlinden surrendering Iraqis. After a bit of surgery with a saw I whipped the heads and arms off and cut the torsos down slightly. A couple of suitable warrior American heads were selected and the holes in the helmets filled. Some spare arms from the box went on next. 

The figures parker's will work well for the period modelled I think and the helmets are very similar to that worn at the time. From what I can gather two types were worn, one type was very similar to the old WW2 American helmet and the other I think was a French version. The half figure will go in the driver's hatch and the other in the commanders.

I've a bit more work on them before painting or even priming for that matter but it's nice to get them sorted and out of the way now and not as is my usual method of right at the end of a build!

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