Kit Reviews

Friday 1 August 2014

Modelling 0, Sorting Everything Else Out 1

Well July was a very slow month in the cave, just far too hot to spray paint about and personally I don't like sweating like a navvie when I'm just sitting down! However I did manage to get lots done around the house and earned a few brownie points in the process.
However now that the temperature is starting to drop I can now comfortably get back at it. Good job really as IPMS Avon's show is only a couple of weeks away and I'd really like to get the Mk1 and the stug done for that.

Stonehenge modellers trip to Belgium is now all sorted too with the euro shuttle and hotel booked. Just need to show some restraint over the next couple of months to save up some spending money! As I'm sure there will be many tempting items to purchase! oh and beer to drink as well!


  1. Pete what can i say, stop boasting about the heat, we have had some of the coldest days here in 33 years......I want to paint but it is just too cold & wet.
    Good idea with gaining points with "She who must be obeyed"....

  2. Ha ha! sorry about that he he, as predicted though it absolutely chucked it down today so I managed to get some modelling done.
