Kit Reviews

Saturday 2 August 2014

Mk1 Male & Stug Progress

I've been working on and off on the Mk 1 over the last week and have added a few filters then some oil fading. Today the little model had a coat of matt varnish sprayed on. As you can see all the oil work has really toned down the chipping added to the model and I think it looks just right. I'm now going to work on a small base for it then once that's sorted I'll start on the pigments.

The stug has now had all the tools picked out, a gloss coat and finally today the decals went on. Really like the colourful markings on this and the yellow death's head looks great with the contrasting grey main colour.

It's certainly a bit of a frenzy at the bench today, I've even got the M109 primed and sprayed the first colour coat on. No pictures till tomorrow though as it's still drying.

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