Kit Reviews

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Bugger! It's Christmas Again

Well it's that time of the year again where we look back on the year gone by and look forwards to what the new has in store for us. I certainly have been taking stock of this years events and must say 2013 has been a unmitigated disaster for me. After loosing Buck in March it's not got any better what with my heart attack and loosing my work dog too.

However on the blog and modelling front it's been a good year. I have managed to finish eight models this year which is double my output in 2012. The blog too has seen a massive increase in visitors and followers and I'd like to thank all of you who have taken the time to read my ramblings and leave such nice comments.
I hope you have enjoyed the blog as much as I have writing it. Next year will hopefully be as productive and I have got some interesting builds planned including a couple of resin kits, something I don't build that often.

It's also been a great year for the fledgling Stonehenge Modellers, aka Myself and Brian Stoddart. We've had a blast attending lots of shows both as exhibitors and punters. We have also really enjoyed talking to lots of people at shows and sharing ideas and hints & tips. Next year should be fun too with hopefully a trip to a show in Belgium planned for October. That gives Brian plenty of time to build some new models!

So a very happy Christmas to all I hope you have a great time and a great new year. Finally as is tradition here's a picture of my beloved Dita in festive attire yet again!


  1. Well! As it is known Titanic passengers had money, power and health, but no fortune. I wish you a good fortune in next year and be healthy!

  2. Same to you Oleg hope you have a great holiday and new year

  3. I wish you the best for 2014 Pete!

    I read you're coming to Belgium next year! Which show are you going to attend? Keep me posted, I'll try to come and meet you there.

